Your horse’s face is a magnet for flies, which are naturally drawn to mucous membranes and the area around the eyes. The most effective way to keep them off the face is to block them completely. A good fly mask also protects against dust, dirt and debris. Horses recovering from an eye injury will especially benefit from wearing a mask.
Ears are also a target for bloodsucking, irritating flying pests. This can make handling and bridling a challenge if your horse’s ears are sore to the touch. The best bet is a fly mask with mesh ears to shield them from insects. Your horse will thank you for the extra protection.
When it comes to horse fly masks, Farnam has been the market leader in the field for decades...and with good reason. First released about 30 years ago, SuperMask® horse fly mask quickly gained a faithful following among horse owners. It was durable, well-made, stayed on the horse, and most of all, it was effective without obstructing vision.
It protects against dust, debris and glaring sunlight, making it your go-to solution for year-round turn-out, when trailering, for horses whose skin is especially sensitive to insect bites or for those recovering from eye problems. Comfortable design provides generous coverage, and the horse-proof Double-Latch Closure keeps it in place. With or without mesh ears for extra protection.